
SENIORS: This is the last week for selling 50/50 tickets at the home basketball games for Dollars for Scholars. There are two games left and no one signed up. Please stop in the office to sign up!

Not sure what to give your Valentine?  How about a FCCLA Cookie Gram?  Cookie Grams will be for sale in the FACS room today for ONE DOLLAR!  You can purchase the paper Valentine and bring it back in to the FACS Room for delivery on Valentine's Day.  Deliveries will only be made if the message is appropriate and if it is signed by the buyer.  Thanks for supporting MayPort CG FCCLA!!!

FCCLA will be having an activity for the whole school today to participate in. You will find posters hung up around the school with a picture on them. The game is to take a picture with the poster and send your picture to Mrs. Capouch. The theme of this game is to Be Confident in the pictures that you take. Whoever takes pictures with all 12 posters first and emails them to Mrs. Capouch will win a prize. Those who participate, but do not get the 12 pictures in, will get a treat as well. The pictures are due by the end of the day! Have a great FCCLA week!

Congrats to Jacob Hutter who was the winner of the FCCLA ROCKS contest!  He found 45 rocks around the school!  Thanks for playing everyone!

Juniors & Seniors: The Post Prom Committee is going to be holding a Food Drive from February 11th – March 11th. Each student is asked to bring in 4 items, and in return Thrivent Financial will be donating $250 towards the cost of food for the Post Prom Party. Please bring your items to Mr. Hanson’s room!

Drumline will meet at Patriot Pride Time today and also tomorrow morning at 8:00 in the Music Room. We will perform Thursday at halftime of the basketball game.

From Coach Dockter: Jr High Boys Basketball split with FSHP yesterday. 7th Grade lost 22-35 while 8th grade won 34-30.  Good job and effort by both teams!

T-Shirt orders are being taken for Girls Basketball Regional T-shirts. Order forms and an image of the shirt are available in the office.  Cost is $15 each. You can also text your order to Sheila at 218-791-5106. If paying with check, please make the check out to May-Port CG. Orders are due by 10:00 on Wednesday morning.

Congratulations to the JV and Varsity Girls Basketball for the wins over HCV!!  And congrats to the Varsity for locking in the #3 spot in the region!

Today’s menu is Taco Salad, Corn, and Frozen Peaches.