SENIORS: This is the last week for selling 50/50 tickets at the home basketball games for Dollars for Scholars. There are only two games left! Please sign up in the office if you are willing to help out!
· FCCLA gives you the opportunity to serve your community.
· This organization focuses on the family – a connection we all share.
· FCCLA helps you develop dynamic leadership skills!
· It prepares you for any kind of career because of the skills you learn through speaking, service, and leadership!
Please think about joining FCCLA next year! Your community needs you to be the upcoming leaders!
REMINDER: If you’ve purchased an FCCLA Cookie Gram, this needs to be returned to the FACS room today in order for delivery.
Congratulations to Cole Halverson for getting the prize for the FCCLA Selfie activity yesterday!
There will be an FCCLA Meeting during Patriot Pride Time today in the FACS room.
The MayPort Community Club is looking for 2-4 student volunteers for a community Easter event during the afternoon of April 14. Up to 3 hours of service time are available for each volunteer. If you are interested, please call or text Meghan at 701-430-9192.
Juniors & Seniors: The Post Prom Committee is going to be holding a Food Drive from February 11th – March 11th. Each student is asked to bring in 4 items, and in return Thrivent Financial will be donating $250 towards the cost of food for the Post Prom Party. Please bring your items to Mr. Hanson’s room!
Drumline will be performing tomorrow at halftime of the basketball game.
T-Shirt orders are being taken for Girls Basketball Regional T-shirts. Order forms and an image of the shirt are available in the office. Cost is $15 each. You can also text your order to Sheila at 218-791-5106. If paying with check, please make the check out to May-Port CG. Orders are due by 10:00 today!
Today’s menu is Fish/Bun, Carrots, Cheesy Hash Browns, Jello & Fruit. 50¢ for extras.
Dushinske & Jamison Water Resources Scholarship: Students who currently attend or plan to attend a North Dakota college or university. Preference given but not limited to, students in water-related fields and students whose families have taken active roles in the state's water resource management. Short essay: "Most vivid memory concerning water." Amount: $1500 (two male and two female) Due: April 1st . Application available from the counselor.
Associated General Contractors of North Dakota: For students interested in pursuing a career in Construction Management or Construction Engineering at NDSU Amount: $1500, or Civil Engineering. Building Construction, Architectural Drafting, Diesel Tech. or Welding Tech. at NDSCS or Bismarck State College. Amount: $750. Due: April 26th . Apply at