High School Track practice will start Monday, Feb 25th. Plan to meet in the HS Commons after school. Jr High students interested in joining track, please see Mrs. Kunkel today in her room during Patriot Pride Time.
The library will be closed starting at 11:00 today. Miss Geisinger’s 7th hour rotation class please report to Mrs. Gapp’s room.
The MayPort Community Club is looking for 2-4 student volunteers for a community Easter event during the afternoon of April 14. Up to 3 hours of service time are available for each volunteer. If you are interested, please call or text Meghan at 701-430-9192.
Juniors & Seniors: The Post Prom Committee is holding a Food Drive now through March 11th. Each student is asked to bring in 4 items, and in return Thrivent Financial will be donating $250 towards the cost of food for the Post Prom Party. Please bring your items to Mr. Hanson’s room!
Middle School Students: The Prom Committee will be holding a Middle School Dance for students in Grades 6-8 tonight from 7:30-10:00 PM in the MS Commons. Admission is $5/couple or $3/single. Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase!
Reminder: Junior Bank Board is next Monday, February 25th at 7:30 AM in the Mayville office.
8th Grade Students: The Scrubs Camp photo waiver are overdue! Please bring the signed form back to the school ASAP.
Seniors: Just a reminder that the application deadline is today, Friday, February 22nd for the $1000 Scholarship from ND Conservation District Employees Association, and the deadline is Friday, March, 1st for the $500 Scholarship from Steele County Soil Conservation District.
Post-Prom Sign-up is now available in the office! Please stop in and sign up if you plan to attend!
Congratulations to the Girls Basketball Team on a great season, and to Julia Kohls and Cora McClenahen for being selected to the All Region Team! From Coach Ben: Congrats to the Girls Basketball Team for finishing 4th in the region!! It has been a fun, exciting season, full of so many accomplishments!! Way to go Patriots!
Good luck to the Boys Basketball Team playing in Midway-Minto tonight, games are in Midway. Jr High will play one game at 3:45, students are dismissed at 2:00. C, JV and Varsity games will follow, students are dismissed at 2:45. Let’s go Patriots!
Today’s menu is Pizza, Pasta Salad, Corn, and Banana Pudding/Bananas.