Please read & share!
The Great Plains Food Bank will be stopping in Mayville on Friday, March 15 to host a Pop Up Perishable distribution at May-Port CG School parking lot– cars will go through the loop. We will distribute from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. With the frigid weather we will be doing a DRIVE THROUGH distribution. Cars will line up and drive down either side of the pallets which will consist of mainly perishable food, but will also have some bakery and shelf stable items.
There is no pre-registration required, though each household will need to complete a short intake form on site. Anyone in need of food assistance from any community is welcome! If someone cannot attend during a distribution time, is home bound or does not have transportation we welcome others to come pick up for those folks.
To make this distribution run smoothly we are looking to recruit 25 – 30 volunteers (the more the merrier). If you would like to volunteer, please let me know by email or phone 701.390.2513. Volunteers will be helping line up the cars, get the clients checked in, open boxes, break down pallets, and finally load the food into the cars!
Thank you in advance for helping us spread the word!