Mr. Eric Hanson
Mr. Hanson is one of May-Port CG’s High School/Middle School Social Studies teachers. His birthday is June 26th. He attended college at Bismarck State College, Dickinson State University and North Dakota State University. Mr. Hanson has been a part of the May-Port CG family for 11 years. His go to comfort food is chips and salsa and his favorite restaurant is Wurst Bier Hall. His favorite sports team is the Chicago Cubs. His favorite book is The Lord of the Rings. His favorite color is either Red or Blue. He has two cats named Maggie and Kali. In his freetime, Mr. Hanson enjoys bowling, trivia, playing board games and reading. What Mr. Hanson loves most about May-Port CG is that it is like a family. “I came to the district after spending a year substitute teaching in Fargo where the class sizes are huge. Here, we can get to know one another, and the community is very accepting. Plus, we have amazing students!”