There are 27 active cases of COVID-19 in Traill County. There is one middle school student who has tested positive this week and there is one staff member at PBJ who is out due to the virus. These are encouraging numbers. Please continue to take precautions to stay healthy and to limit the spread of COVID-19.
about 3 years ago, Michael Bradner
2021 Christmas Concert (band)
about 3 years ago, Michael Bradner
MPCG Christmas Concert (Choir)
about 3 years ago, Michael Bradner
High School Jazz Band 2021
about 3 years ago, Michael Bradner
jazz band
Do you want to help our students reach their food drive goal? We are having a school wide Food Drive. We have a pretty big goal we have set and it ends tomorrow. Tonight during the high school Christmas program, there will be a box set up by the Christmas tree. If you want to help out, please bring an item or two and drop it in the box. It’s that simple. We will divide the items evenly to PBJ and the MS/HS that are brought in this evening. Our food drive ends tomorrow and we will be delivering all the items to our local Food Pantry tomorrow afternoon! Thank you for your help!
about 3 years ago, Heather Torgeson
The kindergartners learning mouse skills on the computer!
about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
The middle school students had a presentation today called “Mad About Money”. It consisted of several skits that talked about the difference between credit and debit, importance of saving money, needs and wants, and more! Thank you to the North Dakota Securities for making this possible. Each skit had a great message!
about 3 years ago, Heather Torgeson
V Hockey Final: Ice Dawgs win 9-0 over the BW Blades.
about 3 years ago, May-Port CG Hockey
V Hockey: End of 2nd period Ice Dawgs up 7-0 against the BW Blades.
about 3 years ago, May-Port CG Hockey
Lights! Camera! Christmas! Christmas Program grades 3-5
about 3 years ago, Michael Bradner
Christmas Program
Christmas Program
Christmas Program
Christmas Program
Lights! Camera! Christmas! Christmas Program grades 3-5
about 3 years ago, Michael Bradner
Christmas Program
Christmas Program
Christmas Program
Christmas Program
JV Hockey: Final Ice Dawgs lose 3-2 in OT. Towards the end of the 3rd period Lucas Fugleberg had the tying goal sending it to OT.
about 3 years ago, May-Port CG Hockey
JV Hockey: End of 2nd period Ice Dawgs down 1-2 against Fargo Davies. Shawn O’hearn with the goal.
about 3 years ago, May-Port CG Hockey
JV Hockey: End of 1st period Ice Dawgs down 0-2 against Fargo Davies.
about 3 years ago, May-Port CG Hockey
On With the Snow! PBJ K-2 Christmas Program 2021
about 3 years ago, Michael Bradner
Christmas Program
Christmas Program
Christmas Program
Christmas Program
The May-Port CG School District will be opening two hours late tomorrow. School will not start until 10:30am.
about 3 years ago, Michael Bradner
PATRIOT PRIDE FUN! Give Santa a beard using cotton balls!
about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
PATRIOT PRIDE FUN!! Give Santa a beard using cotton balls!
about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
PATRIOT PRIDE FUN!! Give Santa a beard using cotton balls!
about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
Students & Parents! Did you know you can take your ND Driver's License Knowledge Test at home? See the website below for more details!
about 3 years ago, May-Port CG School District
Test at home!