about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
Packing meals at FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN! Mrs Soholt and Kase, Mrs. Weaver and family and Coach Judisch with Kain Soholt!
about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
We have opened an additional Basketball apparel clothing store - this time for youth sizes! Be sure to check it out!
about 3 years ago, May-Port CG School District
The number of active cases of COVID-19 has increased to 81 for Traill County. We have many students absent district wide. There are active cases at all levels and amongst staff. Third grade is the only grade level to have reached our 10% threshold that requires masking. Please continue to stay healthy and thank you for staying home if you are feeling sick.
about 3 years ago, Michael Bradner
Thank you Mr. Torgeson and the Delchar Theater for hosting FBLA and MSU DECA for our monthly gathering! We had a great time and an awesome movie!
about 3 years ago, Cindy Strand
FBLA members
MSU DECA representatives
Meat thermometer lab in FACS 1!
about 3 years ago, Nancy Capouch
Meat thermometer lab in FACS 1!
Meat thermometer lab in FACS 1!
Meat thermometer lab in FACS 1!
These are selling fast!!! Don’t miss out! See Mrs. Bradner at PBJ and Mr. Bradner at the MS/HS. Thermos brand, flip top lid and refill tracker. $20 each! Red, Blue or Gray
about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
Congratulations to Mr. Marquardt and the Middle School Band and Choir on a fantastic Fall Music Concert!
about 3 years ago, La Lynda Blotsky
6 band
7/8 band
7/8 choir
6 choir
Since 1970, FBLA has partnered with March of Dimes to raise awareness about prematurity. We have had the opportunity to hear stories from families that the March of Dimes has been able to help through those rough times. November 17th is World Prematurity Awareness Day, so please join our FBLA members and wear PURPLE to support this great cause!
about 3 years ago, Cindy Strand
This is an urgent message from the May-Port CG. School District. We have many students absent due to illness. There are three staff members who have tested positive for COVID-19 at PBJ. There are thirteen students with confirmed cases of COVID-19 at PBJ. Six students in the third grade. That number exceeds our 10% threshold for third grade which means third graders are required to wear masks at school or stay home for seven days. There is also a staff member at the High School and four students who have tested positive at the Middle School / High School. Please continue to take precautions to stay healthy.
about 3 years ago, Michael Bradner
Makeup work for absent students at PBJ will not be available until Thursday morning. This is due to the high number children needing to be out of school.
about 3 years ago, Michael Bradner
POST PROM FUNDRAISER! MPCG PATRIOTS water bottles. $20 each. Thermos brand, flip top lid, twist ring to keep track of how many times you refill your water bottle each day. Choice of red, blue or gray! See Mrs. Bradner at PBJ or Mr. Bradner at the HS/MS to purchase. Makes a great gift!!
about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
water bottles
What do you do after the first snowfall of the year? HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT AT SCHOOL!! ❄️☃️
about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
What do you do after the first snowfall of the year? HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT AT SCHOOL!! ❄️☃️
about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
Congratulations to our May-Port CG Cheerleaders for placing first at the State Fall Cheer Competition! Congratulations Game Day- Class B Champions!!!
about 3 years ago, La Lynda Blotsky
Check out this link for a great video showcasing the athletes selected for All-Region Volleyball, Senior Athlete of the Year, and Coach of the year!
about 3 years ago, May-Port CG School District
Congratulations to Stacy Hanson for being named the Region 2 Volleyball Coach of the Year!! Pictured with her daughters Kinsey and Danica. We are proud of you Coach Hanson!
about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
coach of the year
Congratulations to Rylee Satrom, Kalynn Olson and Raina Satrom for making the All Region 2 team!
about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
all region
Congratulations to the MPCG Patriots for placing 2nd at the region 2 tournament! #patriotpride
about 3 years ago, Kelly Bradner
BCA class is Thankful for our Veterans because of their service, sacrifice, bravery, dedication, support, and for our freedoms. We thank you!
about 3 years ago, Cindy Strand