May Port CG FCCLA 2020-21
FCCLA STAR Awards at Doolittle’s in Fargo!
Today's May-Port CG Senior Spotlight is Anyssa Berger.
Getting ready for our STAR Awards Celebration on Monday! Our projects help so many and create leaders ready for the future!!! ❤️
Congratulations Emma Dockter for placing 23rd out of 114 competitors at this year’s State MathCounts Competition!! Fantastic job!➕➖➗✖️
Don’t forget to order your 20-21 Yearbook! Yearbook orders are taken through the end of May. Get your name on the list today! Cost is $35 payable in the office or online at eFunds.
Congratulations to our Outstanding Performances from yesterday's 2021 Regional Music Competition!
Spring has sprung in the MPCG Green House!
Miss Roder’s Kindergartners camping with their 5 senses!
Be sure to check out the newly redesigned and updated version of our school app! This can be found in the Apple App Store and Google Play store.
Today's May-Port CG Senior Spotlight is Addison Domier.
May-Port CG FBLA is hosting a Blood Drive on Wednesday, April 28 in the high school gym. Please consider signing up to save a life and be a hero!
Music Students Perform at MSU
Today's May-Port CG Senior Spotlight is Nicholas Dale.
Back by popular demand, our Senior Spotlights! Today we would like to recognize Skyler Straight , Class of 2021.
The 8B Champions of the March Reading Challenge!!!! Ice Cream For All!
Accounting II students drawing out an Income Statement and Balance Sheet.
The number of active cases in Traill County is currently at 8. We have no active cases of COVID-19 in our buildings. However, we have seen a rise in the number of staff and students who have been identified as close contacts. Please help us to finish the school year and to continue our Spring activities by continuing to take precautions to reduce the spread of this virus. Thank you and have a wonderful Easter weekend. Remember there is no school on Friday, Monday or Tuesday. We will resume school on April, 7th.
Below you will find information for the May-Port CG Prom Grand Match at 7:30pm this evening!
MPCG Grand March May-Port CG High School
Stream high school sports live and on demand on any device with the NFHS Network
Picnic tables made by Ag Mech students to put around the school grounds!