The Varsity/JV baseball teams play in Langdon at 4:30 today.
7 months ago, Stacy Hanson
The JV/varsity softball teams play in Hillsboro starting with JV at 4:30. Streaming on for the JV and varsity games. Your Live Event stream for the varsity game.
7 months ago, Stacy Hanson
JV golf meet at Mayville - morning tournament results. Morning JV squad - Team champs - Jayd 2nd, Liam 3rd, Kellen 5th, Jackson 6th, Caden 7th
7 months ago, Stacy Hanson
Math 8 Speaker: Dr. Hanson (Pediatrician)
7 months ago, Allison Johnson
Pediatrician Math
Math in the field
Last Speaker of the year
Importance of Math
Math in the hospitals
8th Grade Tessellations
7 months ago, Allison Johnson
Math 8 Review
Fun outside
Today's May-Port CG Senior Spotlight is Walker McGillis. #Classof2024
7 months ago, Cindy Strand
Walker McGillis
The Ag department had 13 baby chicks hatch earlier this week! 🐣
7 months ago, Gabes Kieffer
PBJ held it's 2nd annual Garbage Tournament! Jack Halvorson (2023 Garbage Champion) and Miss Paige Larson's house passed the trophy on to Korbin Jones (2024 Champion) and Mrs. Bradner's house today! To claim the title of Champion, Korbin had to play Aria Moellenkamp and Kendyl Dralle from Mrs. Ekens house.
7 months ago, Kelly Bradner
A great summer reading opportunity! Please watch for a fridge magnet to come home with your K-3rd grade student with a QR code and their email address to log-in.
7 months ago, Sharon Weaver
Summer Reading with Amira
May-Port CG is proud to highlight another of their Work-Place Learning students. Shown is Marshall Judisch learning a variety of tasks on the farm with RJR Farms . Thank you, Scott for teaching him invaluable skills that will last a lifetime. #mpcgworkbasedlearning #realworldskills
7 months ago, Cindy Strand
Marshall Judisch
Today's May-Port CG Senior Spotlight is Ryder Fugleberg. #Classof2024
7 months ago, Cindy Strand
Ryder Fugleberg
Varsity softball at Casselton 🥎 MPCG 8 - Central Cass 9
8 months ago, Stacy Hanson
The Varsity baseball team came and played with 4th and 5th grade at PBJ!
8 months ago, Kelly Bradner
It's grilling day! Thanks to Tom from First State Bank and the North Dakota Beef Commission/Millers Foods for the grill and beast! Grill tips for 3 classes and 52 students! We are ready for summer!
8 months ago, Nancy Capouch
It's grilling day!  Thanks to Tom from First State Bank and the North Dakota Beef Commission/Millers Foods for the grill and beast!  Grill tips for 3 classes and 52 students!  We are ready for summer!
It's grilling day!  Thanks to Tom from First State Bank and the North Dakota Beef Commission/Millers Foods for the grill and beast!  Grill tips for 3 classes and 52 students!  We are ready for summer!
It's grilling day!  Thanks to Tom from First State Bank and the North Dakota Beef Commission/Millers Foods for the grill and beast!  Grill tips for 3 classes and 52 students!  We are ready for summer!
It's grilling day!  Thanks to Tom from First State Bank and the North Dakota Beef Commission/Millers Foods for the grill and beast!  Grill tips for 3 classes and 52 students!  We are ready for summer!
It's grilling day!  Thanks to Tom from First State Bank and the North Dakota Beef Commission/Millers Foods for the grill and beast!  Grill tips for 3 classes and 52 students!  We are ready for summer!
It's grilling day!  Thanks to Tom from First State Bank and the North Dakota Beef Commission/Millers Foods for the grill and beast!  Grill tips for 3 classes and 52 students!  We are ready for summer!
It's grilling day!  Thanks to Tom from First State Bank and the North Dakota Beef Commission/Millers Foods for the grill and beast!  Grill tips for 3 classes and 52 students!  We are ready for summer!
It's grilling day!  Thanks to Tom from First State Bank and the North Dakota Beef Commission/Millers Foods for the grill and beast!  Grill tips for 3 classes and 52 students!  We are ready for summer!
It's grilling day!  Thanks to Tom from First State Bank and the North Dakota Beef Commission/Millers Foods for the grill and beast!  Grill tips for 3 classes and 52 students!  We are ready for summer!
Varsity softball at Casselton at 4:00 today. JV to follow.
8 months ago, Stacy Hanson
4th grade is having some end of the year parties! 4P had their Last Luau, 4L enjoyed Dinosaur Day and 4H had a great Penguin Day!!
8 months ago, Kelly Bradner
4th grade enjoyed their field trip to Bonanzaville!
8 months ago, Kelly Bradner
Spring tournaments are here! The Region 2 Baseball Tournament starts this Saturday at Mayville State.
8 months ago, Adam Sola
Today's May-Port CG Senior Spotlight is Jaylen Harstad. #Classof2024
8 months ago, Cindy Strand
Jaylen Harstad
Leni loves to read announcements! She always puts on a great show for our class! ❤️🤍💙
8 months ago, Jessica Ogburn