Final score in 10 innings from MPCG
MPCG 17 - Grafton 20
Congratulations to Rylee Satrom for her state qualifying triple jump.
Join us tonight at 6pm at PBJ as our talented 4th and 5th graders take center stage again in what promises to be a delightful evening of music and fun!
Come on out and and enjoy some baseball @ HS today! We will be playing Grafton beginning @ 4:30 pm.
Today's May-Port CG Senior Spotlight is Rylee Satrom. #Classof2024
Varsity Softball 🥎 Final from Grafton MPCG 15 - Grafton 0
Congrats to MPCG sophomore Broden Huard who tied for 6th at today's golf meet in Hillsboro!! ⛳️
Please read the press release issued by the Traill County Sheriff's Department. You can find it on our school website. Live Feed
MPCG varsity softball stream for today's at Grafton on Your Live Event.
Today's May-Port CG Senior Spotlight is Kaylee Paulson. #Classof2024
May-Port CG will be using our community incident protocols. We ask that all students enter the buildings through the main office. All doors will remain locked throughout the day.
May-Port CG administration was made aware of an alleged threat of a school shooting. Administration has been in communication with law enforcement. Law enforcement will be present at the school on Monday. Administration has investigated the incident and met with students and parents. The safety of all of our students and staff is our top priority.
Rose Kerlin assisted with the start to the 1st annual Don Kerlin Memorial Track Meet. The annual invitational track meet has been named in memory of the former Patriot track coach. Don and his family were recognized before today's track meet.
The kindergartners worked on their balance skills using balance bikes in Phy. Ed! It was great seeing them glide around the gym!
Congratulations to Kayla Knudsvig, Kiaza Carlson, Tatum Mehus and Carissa Mueller for running a state qualifying time in the 4x400m relay.
Varsity softball final @ Larimore - 5 innings
MPCG 23 - Larimore 0
The Freshman English class is finishing its unit on Elie Wiesel's "Night" by participating in The Butterfly Project. Each student read the profile of a real human impacted by the Holocaust and designed a butterfly in that person's honor.
Good afternoon, Baseball/Softball Buddies scheduled for April 20th from 9-11 am has been canceled due to the changing schedules of the baseball and softball programs. We look forward to seeing you on April 27th!
Today's May-Port CG Senior Spotlight is Cole Kritzberger. #Classof2024
JH softball today at Northen Cass is canceled.
JV/V softball tomorrow against Kindred is canceled
JH softball tomorrow at Thompson is postponed to May 2nd at 4:30 at Thompson.