Choose Kind Every Day!

FACS Rotation 8 are making their All About Me Towers!

Teamwork happening in Mrs. Halvorson’s 4th grade!

First day kinder crew

FACS Rotation 8 Goals!

Jumping right back into reading in third grade!

Welcome Mr. G! (MS Para)

Welcome to all of our new teachers.

MPCG HS/MS is back in the building! Welcome back and have a great year!

PBJ In Service ready for school!!

HS/MS teachers working hard at in service! School starts tomorrow!!

Great to be back under the lights! Final score Patriots 49 Polar Bears 28 @NDHSAA #NDPreps

End of 3rd quarter Patriots 49 Polar Bears 6 #NDPreps

Halftime Score Patriots 42 Larimore 6 @NDHSAA #NDPreps

End of 1st quarter score Patriots 22 Polar Bears 6 @Ndhsaa #ndpreps

Check out our new design to our High School Entrance!

Game time! #gobigred

Wow! Hard to believe it's that time of year! Tonight, the Patriot football will open their season against Larimore at Cushman Field in Grand Forks. Kickoff is 7 pm. May-Port CG Activity Passes for 2018-2019 WILL be accepted tonight.

Mark your calendars!

It’s game week for the Patriots football team. Kickoff will be Friday night at 7:00 versus Larimore. Game will be played at Cushman Field in Grand Forks.