Glow in the dark dodgeball!
Food Prep made three of the Five Mother Sauces!
The softball game that was scheduled for Friday, April 1st against Fargo Davies has been rescheduled to Monday, April 4th at 4pm, game to be played at May-Port CG.
Beautiful and Delicious! Our Plant Science class grew asparagus and lettuce in the Greenhouse for us to enjoy at lunch!
Mrs. Hogfoss’ class went to the Clubhouse and had a GREAT time!
MPCG FBLA all set for the Awards of Excellence ceremony in Bismarck!
FBLA is ready for state competition in Bismarck!
Congratulations to Jacob McClenahen who competed at state MathCounts! He was on the team of individuals who placed 4th overall! Fantastic work and way to represent MPCG!!! 🎉
This weekend the NDMEA All-State Music Festival was held in Bismarck at the Civic Center. Rehearsals started Thursday to prepare for performances today with guest conductors from around the country. Selected from May-Port CG were Elsie Twedt (All-State Band), Oliver Marquardt (All-State Mixed Chorus), and Ilanora Peterson (All-State Treble Chorus)! More info can be found at Congrats, Patriots!
Congratulations to the MPCG Girls track team for their 1st place finish at the Pembina County indoor track meet!
Congratulations to Tatum Mehus for being selected as the outstanding female athlete at the Pembina County indoor meet!
Family Feud at Patriot Pride!
It was a great week for our Close Up students in Washington D.C. They represented MPCG well throughout the week! Students met others from across the country and developed lifelong friendships. They discussed current issues within our country and were leaders in their groups. They also met with our states representatives in Congress.
Jacob McClenahen will be competing at the State MathCounts Competition in Bismarck on Monday, March 28th! Good luck, Jacob!!!
Please plan to join us for May-Port CG's Prom 2022, Rustic Romance! Held Saturday, April 2nd with Grand March starting at 7:30pm in the High School gym. Admission cost is $3 single/$5 couple.
The State Spelling was held in Bismarck yesterday. Lydia Ostlie, 5th grade, placed 10th overall out of 93 participants.
Are you ready to save a life?!? Come to the MPCG Student Council Blood Drive on Wednesday, April 6. If you would like to sign up, please call Heather Torgeson at 788-2281 ex: 295 and leave a message. You can also visit and search for mayportcghs on the Blood Drive Code section to see available times and sign up. This is open to community members and students ages 16 and up. We hope to see you there!
Applied Math is solving crimes using blood splatter analysis and trigonometry!
Check out the great things going on in our community. Students in K-6 MSU has events for you!
Close Up students enjoyed Mount Vernon, Smithsonian of Natural History, and Fords Theatre today!